10 effective Yoga Poses for PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) treatment

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a health condition which is commonly found in women of reproductive age caused by hormonal imbalance. In this condition, small cysts form in the ovaries which affect the hormones and disrupt the normal menstrual cycle. The common causes of PCOS are excessive stress, depression, anxiety and modern faulty lifestyle. But, it has been proven scientifically that regular practice of yoga and meditation helps to keep you relax and stress-free. Thus, becoming helpful to manage PCOS symptoms. Yoga helps to

  • Raise blood flow to your reproductive organs and improves the functions of your ovaries
  • Soothes pressure on your stomach and helps to prompt the functions of your ovary
  • Helpful for your weight loss and normalizes the menstrual cycles
  • Decrease the androgens and improving egg production

 So, let’s find out the top 10 effective yoga poses for PCOS treatment in a natural way. It is always advisable to consult with your doctor before you start practicing yoga poses.

  1. Lotus pose or Padmasana

This pose helps to stretch your pelvic region and correct the hormonal imbalance which is vital for treating PCOS. Moreover, it also helps to decrease menstrual discomfort, control blood pressure, ease your childbirth, and relaxes your mind by releasing stress.

Photo Credit: StyleCraze
  • Sit down on your mat in a crisscross position with spine erect.
  • Keep your left thigh on the right thigh and vice versa.
  • Let your hands rest on the thighs in Gyan mudra (palms facing forward while the thumb and index finger are in touch).
  • Close your eyes and hold this position, while continuously deep inhaling and exhaling.
  • Stay in this position for at least 1 minute and increase the time slowly and steadily.
  1. Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar

This yoga series is one of the best exercises which helps in weight loss and improving blood circulation. Regular practice of 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar in the early morning hours gives enormous benefits in mentally as well as physically. To know more

  1. Butterfly pose or Badha Konasana

This pose helps to open up your pelvic region and provides relaxation which in turn assists to reduce stress and remove menstruation discomfort. To know more

  1. Reclining Butterfly Pose or Supta Badha Konasana

This pose relaxes the mind, body, and spirit while decreases muscle tension gives relief from anxiety and increases overall energy.hp_288_13_bjk2.jpg

  • Lie down flat on your back in supine position with your legs and arms extended.
  • Bend your knees and bring your heels towards your pelvis area. Press the soles of your feet together and let your knees drop open to both sides.
  • Keep your arms open on both sides with palms up.
  • Lengthen your spine along the floor and maintain the natural curve of the lower back.
  • Relax your buttocks and lengthen your tailbone toward your heels.
  • Close your eyes and turn your awareness completely inward.
  • Hold this position as long as you feel comfortable. Don’t force your body unnecessarily.
  1. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

This pose is very helpful for menstrual irregularities and it reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. This posture extends soothing pressure on your stomach and helps to prompt the functions of your ovary. To know more

  1. Bharadvaja’s Twist or Bharadvajasana

This pose is also one of the best yoga poses for PCOS treatment. Regular practice of this yoga pose helps to balance the blood pressure and regularize the menstruation problems. Moreover, it also enhances overall relaxation by rejuvenating your muscles, spine and soothing your nervous system.

  • Start by staying on the yoga mat with the legs stretched in front along with arms resting on the both sides of your body.Health-Benefits-of-Bharadvajasana-1.png
  • Now, bend your knees and bring them close to your left hip such that your weight of the body is resting on your right buttock. Then, rest the left ankle on your arch of the right foot.
  • Slowly twist the upper body to your right side as much as you can, keeping your right hand on the floor and your left hand on the outer portion of your right thigh.
  • Try to twist the body more with each breath. Hold in this position for as long as you feel comfortable and then slowly return to the main position.
  • Relax and repeat the same procedure on the opposite side shifting your weight on the left buttock.
  1. Boat Pose or Naukasana

This pose helps to strengthen the back, abdominal muscles and improves digestion. It also puts controlled pressure in your abdominal region, raises blood flow to your reproductive organs and improves the functions of your ovaries. To know more

  1. Bow Pose or Dhanurasana

It Strengthens the whole back body and abdominal muscles, opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders. This pose also helps to enhance the functions of your reproductive organs, alleviates menstrual discomfort and normalizes the menstrual cycles. To know more

  1. Mill Churning pose or Chakki Chalasana

This pose helps to normalize the functions of your reproductive organs. It helps to alter the functions of your endocrine gland, thus facilitating maximum hormonal secretion, and also it massages your uterus, reproductive organs, kidneys, liver, and pancreas.

  • First, sit on the ground with your spine erect, arms raised at shoulder height and hands outstretched and palms clapped together.Churning-the-mill-Chakki-Chalanasana-21.jpg
  • Now, inhale deeply and start moving the upper part of your body in a circular motion creating an imaginary circle with your body.
  • Inhale while moving forward and then exhale when you go backward.
  • Continue to deeply breathe while rotating and then feel the stretch in your arms, legs, groin, and abdomen.
  • You can make 15-20 rounds in a direction and the same rounds in the opposite direction.
  1. Corpse pose or Savasana

This pose relaxes your whole body and releases stress, depression, tension, and fatigue. Moreover, it relaxes your muscles, calms your mind and improves mental health.3e22e9032524adbc07e62875b479e030.jpg

  • Lie down flat on your back in supine position and close your eyes.
  • Allow your whole body to be relaxed completely.
  • On each inhaling and exhaling think that your body is totally relaxed. Let your tension, stress, depression, and anxiety go off on each exhaling.
  • Maintain this position for 3-5 minutes.

Diet tips for PCOS treatment

  • Focus on fresh foods, protein, and vegetables
  • Take balanced and healthy diet
  • Avoid sugary and carbohydrate foods
  • Foods such as nuts, seeds, and olive oil, as they contain essential fatty acid
  • Drink adequate amount of water
  • Avoid junk, processed, fast foods, coffee, and alcohol
  • Avoid milk as well as milk products.
  • Regular practice of Yoga and Meditation

In addition to the above yoga poses, people suffering from PCOS can also practice pranayama or breathing exercises to relieve stress naturally. The breathing practices like Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom and Bhramri Pranayama helps to relieve stress and reduce weight.

Most women, when diagnosed with PCOS at a very young age right after they attain puberty, become confused and frustrated in their life. Regular practice of yoga and meditation can help to attain a disease-free body, a healthy and stress-free mind.

Now, don’t wait. Enjoy your yoga practice and have an awesome day! If you feel this article is helpful to you then share your experience with us by commenting below. We would be happy to hear from you!

10 Yoga Poses for PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) treatment

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a health condition which is commonly found in women of reproductive age caused by hormonal imbalance. In this condition, small cysts form in the ovaries which affect the hormones and disrupt the normal menstrual cycle. The common causes of PCOS are excessive stress, depression, anxiety and modern faulty lifestyle. But, it has been proven scientifically that regular practice of yoga and meditation helps to keep you relax and stress-free. Thus, becoming helpful to manage PCOS symptoms. Yoga helps to

  • Raise blood flow to your reproductive organs and improves the functions of your ovaries
  • Soothes pressure on your stomach and helps to prompt the functions of your ovary
  • Helpful for your weight loss and normalizes the menstrual cycles
  • Decrease the androgens and improving egg production

 So, let’s find out the top 10 effective yoga poses for PCOS treatment in a natural way. It is always advisable to consult with your doctor before you start practising yoga poses.

  1. Lotus pose or Padmasana

This pose helps to stretch your pelvic region and correct the hormonal imbalance which is vital for treating PCOS. Moreover, it also helps to decrease menstrual discomfort, control blood pressure, ease your childbirth, and relaxes your mind by releasing stress.

Photo Credit: StyleCraze
  • Sit down on your mat in a crisscross position with spine erect.
  • Keep your left thigh on the right thigh and vice versa.
  • Let your hands rest on the thighs in Gyan mudra (palms facing forward while the thumb and index finger are in touch).
  • Close your eyes and hold this position, while continuously deep inhaling and exhaling.
  • Stay in this position for at least 1 minute and increase the time slowly and steadily.
  1. Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar

This yoga series is one of the best exercises which helps in weight loss and improving blood circulation. Regular practice of 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar in the early morning hours gives enormous benefits in mentally as well as physically. To know more

  1. Butterfly pose or Badha Konasana

This pose helps to open up your pelvic region and provides relaxation which in turn assists to reduce stress and remove menstruation discomfort. To know more

  1. Reclining Butterfly Pose or Supta Badha Konasana

This pose relaxes the mind, body, and spirit while decreases muscle tension gives relief from anxiety and increases overall energy.hp_288_13_bjk2.jpg

  • Lie down flat on your back in supine position with your legs and arms extended.
  • Bend your knees and bring your heels towards your pelvis area. Press the soles of your feet together and let your knees drop open to both sides.
  • Keep your arms open on both sides with palms up.
  • Lengthen your spine along the floor and maintain the natural curve of the lower back.
  • Relax your buttocks and lengthen your tailbone toward your heels.
  • Close your eyes and turn your awareness completely inward.
  • Hold this position as long as you feel comfortable. Don’t force your body unnecessarily.
  1. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

This pose is very helpful for menstrual irregularities and it reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. This posture extends soothing pressure on your stomach and helps to prompt the functions of your ovary. To know more

  1. Bharadvaja’s Twist or Bharadvajasana

This pose is also one of the best yoga poses for PCOS treatment. Regular practice of this yoga pose helps to balance the blood pressure and regularize the menstruation problems. Moreover, it also enhances overall relaxation by rejuvenating your muscles, spine and soothing your nervous system.

  • Start by staying on the yoga mat with the legs stretched in front along with arms resting on the both sides of your body.Health-Benefits-of-Bharadvajasana-1.png
  • Now, bend your knees and bring them close to your left hip such that your weight of the body is resting on your right buttock. Then, rest the left ankle on your arch of the right foot.
  • Slowly twist the upper body to your right side as much as you can, keeping your right hand on the floor and your left hand on the outer portion of your right thigh.
  • Try to twist the body more with each breath. Hold in this position for as long as you feel comfortable and then slowly return to the main position.
  • Relax and repeat the same procedure on the opposite side shifting your weight on the left buttock.
  1. Boat Pose or Naukasana

This pose helps to strengthen the back, abdominal muscles and improves digestion. It also puts controlled pressure in your abdominal region, raises blood flow to your reproductive organs and improves the functions of your ovaries. To know more

  1. Bow Pose or Dhanurasana

It Strengthens the whole back body and abdominal muscles, opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders. This pose also helps to enhance the functions of your reproductive organs, alleviates menstrual discomfort and normalizes the menstrual cycles. To know more

  1. Mill Churning pose or Chakki Chalasana

This pose helps to normalize the functions of your reproductive organs. It helps to alter the functions of your endocrine gland, thus facilitating maximum hormonal secretion, and also it massages your uterus, reproductive organs, kidneys, liver, and pancreas.

  • First, sit on the ground with your spine erect, arms raised at shoulder height and hands outstretched and palms clapped together.Churning-the-mill-Chakki-Chalanasana-21.jpg
  • Now, inhale deeply and start moving the upper part of your body in a circular motion creating an imaginary circle with your body.
  • Inhale while moving forward and then exhale when you go backward.
  • Continue to deeply breathe while rotating and then feel the stretch in your arms, legs, groin, and abdomen.
  • You can make 15-20 rounds in a direction and the same rounds in the opposite direction.
  1. Corpse pose or Savasana

This pose relaxes your whole body and releases stress, depression, tension, and fatigue. Moreover, it relaxes your muscles, calms your mind and improves mental health.3e22e9032524adbc07e62875b479e030.jpg

  • Lie down flat on your back in supine position and close your eyes.
  • Allow your whole body to be relaxed completely.
  • On each inhaling and exhaling think that your body is totally relaxed. Let your tension, stress, depression, and anxiety go off on each exhaling.
  • Maintain this position for 3-5 minutes.

Diet tips for PCOS treatment

  • Focus on fresh foods, protein, and vegetables
  • Take balanced and healthy diet
  • Avoid sugary and carbohydrate foods
  • Foods such as nuts, seeds, and olive oil, as they contain essential fatty acid
  • Drink adequate amount of water
  • Avoid junk, processed, fast foods, coffee, and alcohol
  • Avoid milk as well as milk products.
  • Regular practice of Yoga and Meditation

In addition to the above yoga poses, people suffering from PCOS can also practice pranayama or breathing exercises to relieve stress naturally. The breathing practices like Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom and Bhramri Pranayama helps to relieve stress and reduce weight.

Most women, when diagnosed with PCOS at a very young age right after they attain puberty, become confused and frustrated in their life. Regular practice of yoga and meditation can help to attain a disease-free body, a healthy and stress-free mind.

Now, don’t wait. Enjoy your yoga practice and have an awesome day! If you feel this article is helpful to you then share your experience with us by commenting below. We would be happy to hear from you!