How to do Malasana (Garland Pose)

A forward bend pose which smoothens your back and releases the stress from your head to toe.

Mala-Garland | Asana-Pose

This asana is pronounced as maa-laa-sa-na, Sanskrit- मालासन. Malasana is also called as wide squat pose or Upavesasana. Small kids can naturally practice squats positions, but people who does desk jobs find it difficult to enter into a squat pose. The regular practice can bring that flexibility and help you to enjoy the benefits of this pose. (Featured Photo Credit: Kathryn Budig)

Benefits of Garland Pose

  • This pose improves balance, focus, and concentration.
  • Stretches hips, ankles, groin, thighs, and torso.
  • Increases blood flow to the pelvis area and thus regulate sexual energy.
  • Tones abdominal muscles and improves the colon function.
  • Helps women in pregnancy for smoother labor.
  • Improves metabolism and activates the digestive system.


If you have any recent medical concerns, discuss with your doctor before practicing this yoga pose. Practitioners suffering from a lower back or knee injury should not practice this pose.

Steps to do a perfect Garland Pose

  • Stand on your mat in Tadasana or Mountain Pose, with your arms at your sides.What-You-Should-Know-Before-You-Do-The-Malasana.jpg
  • Keep your feet wide apart on your mat.
  • Now, bend your knees, lower your hips and come into squat position.
  • Spread out your thighs, placing them slightly wider than your torso. Ensure to keep your feet as close together as possible.
  • Exhale and drop your torso slightly forward. Bring your upper arms to the inside of your knees.
  • Press your elbow along the inside of your knees and bring your palms together in Anjali Mudra or prayer position.
  • Ensure to bring your hands to the heart center and your forearms parallel to the floor.
  • Now, lift and lengthen your torso, keeping your spine straight and shoulders relaxed.
  • Shift your weight slightly into your heels. Hold for few breaths.
  • Bring your palms to the floor and release the pose. Come to standing forward bend by straightening your legs.
  • Relax and repeat this pose for 3-4 times.


You must make sure to keep your stomach and bowels empty before you practice this pose. Ensure to have your meals at least four to five hours before you do the asana so that your food gets properly digested, and you can expand your body fully during the practice.

Beginners may find it difficult to sit in a squat pose in the initial days. You can sit on the edge of a chair and let your thighs and torso form a 90-degree angle. Now, place your heels on the floor such that they are a little ahead of your knees. Lean forward to get your torso placed in between your knees. This process will help you to enter slowly into a squat position.

You can intensify the stretch in your groins by placing one hand on the ground, on the inside of your foot, and stretch out the opposite hand towards the ceiling/sky. Twist your body and hold for few breaths. Then, you can repeat this variation on the other side.

Now, don’t wait. Enjoy your yoga practice and have an awesome day! If you feel this article is helpful to you then share your experience with us by commenting below. We would be happy to hear from you!


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